Homemade Beauty recipes

I was sitting here thinking about what issues I can write in my journal. I mean aside from the blackout, I didn't have fashion on my mind. Well, not until Friday that is. ;)

I was reading Natural Health magazine and came across an article on homemade beauty aids. Most of us know that strawberries make teeth white (mash them up and brush on teeth. Leave for 5 minutes- floss to remove seeds and brush as regular). But did you know that honey can be used for acne? Lettuce can soothe sunburns? Yup. Pioneer Thinking has all the articles but I have decided to consolidate most of it here:

For acne:
Mix 1/2 cup warm water with 1/4 teaspoon salt. Using a cotton ball, apply directly to blemish. Maintain pressure with cotton ball for several minutes, to soften blemish. Using a cotton swab, dab honey on blemish; leave on 10 minutes. Rinse and pat dry.

For sunburns:
To soothe sunburned skin, boil lettuce with water and after it has cooled, add the liquid to your bath.

Dry skin facial mask:
>Mix together 1 tablespoon honey
1 egg yolk
1/2 teaspoon almond oil
1 tablespoon yogurt.

Honey stimulates and smoothes, egg and almond oil penetrate and moisturize, and yogurt refines and tightens pores.

Banana Bread Masque:
� really ripe mashed banana - moisturizing
2 Tbsp. ground oats - soothing
milk or cream, add as necessary - softening
pinch nutmeg - antiseptic
2 Tbsp. whole wheat flour - antioxidant

Whip ingredients together, adding cream or oat flour as necessary to get a smooth, paste-like consistency. Spread on clean face and leave for 5-10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly and pat dry.

said jagg-ed on 2003-08-19 at 4:37 p.m.