Body Self and Health

Please select a spread for your reading!

Annikin Goal - by Ann Murkett
A four card spread showing the question how to progress from the cause to a goal.
Chakra Spread - by Unknown
Seven card spread based on the body's seven chakras
Elemental Pentagram - by Vander Veen
A simple five-card spread, based on the five points of the pentagram, that provides insight into the self.
Emotional Healing Spread - by J. Rebecca Cougill
This spread is designed to help you better understand the cause of your emotional pain and what needs to be done to heal it.
Inner Strength - by Burger/Fiebig
Simple four card spread but co-ordinating all the aspects of the self to show what you need for inner strength
Know Thyself - by Unknown
Three card question spread ascertaining how to know yourself.
Mandala Spread - by Guiley
A nine card spread questioning dreams and achievements. If four elemental cards are added it becomes the Alchemical Spread.
Moontime Spread - by DeLani Bartlette
This is a spread for a woman to use when Nature is urging her to look deeper, slow down, listen to the inner voice. But, of course, anyone can use it anytime they like!
Niki's Body Spread - by Niki Murkett
An in-depth spread designed to answer questions about the health of your body.
Pentacle - by Unknown
The resolution to this eleven card spread is found via insight into the mind, body and heart
Self-Definition - by Unknown
Nine card spread about defining the self.
Spirits of the Circle Spread - by Carr-Gomm
A seven card spread offering information, influence and guidance
Split Hexagram Spread - by Kraig
Conscious desires, spiritual and practical advice will help you through to the final outcome with this seven card spread
The Healing Sphere - by Alice Egoyan
Healing your pain
The Key - by Submitted by Frog
This spread holds the key in the dream world to unlock the door.
The Pentagram - by Toadie
A spread to develop self-awareness through the spirit and the four mystical directions. Good for questions like "What can be done to improve my situation with (blank)".
The Psychological Spread - by Unknown
This spread will highlight your individual potention and characteristic traits.
The Spinal Journey - by Alice Egoyan
The spinal journey progresses upward from the element of earth at the base of the spine, or the bowl, to the element of air at the crown of the head, or dome. This journey is based on the movement from the purely material to the pure enlightenment of the complete self.
The Sword - by Unknown
This seven card spread is used when the heart of the problem needs solution.
This Is Also Who I Am - by Burger/Fiebig
Seven card pyramid spread asking the appropriate searching questions.

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said jagg-ed on 11 August, 2004 at 3:45 p.m.